County of San Bernardino
- Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Maintenance Agreement and Further Instructions
- San Bernardino County WQMP NEW Maintenance Agreement Template (2014-03-11)
- Santa Ana River Watershed Technical Guidance Document for WQMP Final (September 2013)
- Appendix A. Transportation Project BMP Guidance and Template (editable)
- Appendix B. WQMP Template Final (editable)
- Appendix C. San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual Reference Pages
- Appendix D. OC Infiltration Rate Evaluation Protocol
- Appendix E. OC Conceptual Biotreatment Selection
- Appendix F. HCOC Exemption Criteria and Map
- Table 3-1. Regulatory Requirements and Site Specific Characteristics
- Table 4-1. Infrastructure and Project Specific Characteristics
- Table 5-3. LID BMP Feasibility Analysis
- Table 7-1. Conformance Summary
- Table A-1 through A-5 for HCOC
- Table A-6. Drainage Swale
- Table A-7. Infiltration Basins
- Table A-8. Bioretention without Underdrains
- Table A-9. Sidewalk Trees and Tree Boxes
- Table A-10. Permeable Pavement BMPs
- Table A-11. Bioretention with Underdrains
- Form 2.3-1. Pollutants of Concern
- Form 3.1. Site Location and Hydrologic Features
- Form 3.2. Existing Hydrologic Characteristic of Drainage Area
- Form 3.3. Watershed Description
- Form 4.2-1. LID BMP Performance Criteria for DCV
- Form 4.2-2. Summary of HCOC Assessment
- Form 4.2-3. HCOC Assessment for Runoff Volume
- Form 4.2-4. HCOC Assessment for Time of Concentration
- Form 4.2-5. HCOC Assessment for Peak Runoff
- Form 4.3-1. Infiltration BMP Feasibility
- Form 4.3-2. Site Design Hydrologic Source Control BMPs
- Form 4.3-3. Infiltration LID BMP (including underground BMPs)
- Form 4.3-4. Harvest and Use BMP
- Form 4.3-5. Selection and Evaluation of Biotreatment BMP
- Form 4.3-6. Volume Based Biotreatment - Bioretention and Planter Boxes with Underdrains
- Form 4.3-7. Volume Based Biotreatment - Construction Wetlands and Extended Detention
- Form 4.3-8. Flow Based Biotreatment
- Form 4.3-9. Conformance Summary and Alternative Compliance Volume Estimate
- Form 4.3-10. Hydromodification Control BMP
- Form 4.3-11. BMP Inspection and Maintenance
Last updated 3/24/2018. Please report any missing links to: