Technical studies
Technical Studies And Related Deliverables
Q3 is capable of producing many types of technical studies and related deliverables to resolve a wide range of stormwater-related requirements, issues, and challenges.

Technical Studies, Documents, and Mapping We Do
Q3 develops runoff management plans, which identify strategies/measures to mitigate flood hazard and stormwater quality impacts as a consequence of existing (remedial) and/or future development in the affected watershed(s).
Q3 can perform analysis to fulfill requirements listed in the California Water Code for water rights applications to demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that unappropriated water is available for appropriation [Section 1260(k)].
Q3 can develop the basis for rehabilitating (“restoring”) a stream by engineering changes to emulate natural conditions, such as riffle-pool sequences, meanders, and an active channel-floodplain interface, which all can contribute to the typical function of a stream in nature.
Q3 can perform dam breach analysis and inundation mapping for jurisdictional facilities governed by the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD), which satisfy the most recent emergency regulations as well as well as provide the mapping requirements for the Emergency Action Plan (EAP).
Q3 can conduct studies for a watercourse to evaluate the erosion and sedimentation activity as well as the overall stream stability; identify required measures to minimize further degradation or rehabilitate the watercourse.
Q3 can prepare Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for jusidictional dams governed by the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) to satisfy the most recent emergency regulations.
Q3 can conduct studies to analyze various forms of scour to establish the minimum design depths for bridge piers and abutments as well as toe-down for bank revetment, grade control/drop structures, utility crossings, and other in channel structures.
Q3 can analyze channel-floodplain hydraulics as well as prepare and process mapping revisions for the purpose of meeting FEMA requirements for flood insurance.
Q3 can perform regional frequency analysis based on L-moments for any number of environmental parameters, including, but not limited to, flow, runoff volume, precipitation, evaporation, and temperature; or simply provide flow flow frequency statistics based on Bulletin 17 (B or C).
Q3 can develop the basis of design for urban drainage, including, storm drain networks, channels, street/right-of-way conveyance, and runoff collection and outfall structures.
Q3 can evaluate the lateral migration potential of a watercourse and establish setback requirements for development or identify the risk to existing properties or areas of interest.
Q3 can prepare water quality management plans to satisfy applicable NPDES requirements.
Q3 can prepare storm water pollution prevention plans to satisfy applicable NPDES requirements.
Q3 can perform local (small-scale) to regional (large-scale) hydrologic analysis and mapping of varying complexity based on the goals and objectives of the project or study.
Q3 can evaluate hydromodification conditions and develop mitigation, which satisfies relevant regulatory permit requirements.
Q3 can evaluate alluvial fan flooding conditions to identify the flood hazard and determine appropriate mitigation depending on the needs of the project.
Q3 can analyze levee interior drainage in support of levee certification.
Q3 can evaluate runoff impacts for flood hazard and water quality as well as determine appropriate mitigation for planned developments or other circumstances.
Q3 can evaluate historical aerial imagery and topographic mapping/surveys to establish guidelines for predicting the future planform and profile trends of a watercourse.
Q3 develops drainage master plans, which evaluate existing drainage deficiencies and determine the infrastructure required, including alignments and sizes, to provide an acceptable level of flood protection in the affected communities; this document may include estimated costs of proposed improvements and maintenance requirements as well as and funding strategies/mechanisms.
Q3 can develop the basis of design and prepare construction documents for a wide range of hydraulic features, structures, facilities, and systems. Read more…
We can provide insights and understanding as it relates to natural channel forms and fluvial processes of water courses and how these aspects can affect a project site or area of interest.
Q3 can evaluate the hydrology in arid regions, which are quite different then the coastal and western inland regions; in arid regions, precipitation is extremely variable in space and time, transmission losses are of greater importance, the delicate hydrologic balance can be disrupted by prolonged dry sequences, vegetative cover is sparse with a relative absence of organic matter, which has a significant impact on interception, infiltration, evaporation, and runoff; surface soils are usually the first point of contact of precipitation, and the water table is typically disconnected from the surface drainage system. The methods and assumptions commonly applied to the coastal and western inland watersheds typically lead to overestimated runoff when applied to arid regions.
Q3 can work with their geotechnical partners to process levees through FEMA for certification, resolving issues related to design criteria, interior drainage, and operations and maintenance.
Q3 can evaluate the impacts associated with debris flow, a geological phenomena consisting of water-laden masses of soil and fragmented rock, which rush down mountainsides, funnel into stream channels, entrain objects in their paths, and form thick, muddy deposits on valley floors adjacent to mountain fronts or steep upland areas.
Q3 can determine the reliabiity and/or risk of existing or proposed flood control improvements using Monte Carlo simulation based on the relationship between flood frequency statistics and hydraulic characteristics for a range of frequency flows.
Q3 can determine sediment and/or debris production and yield for the purpose of estimating flow bulking conditions, approximating impacts to downstream collection and conveyance facilities, and evaluating the supply-transport relationship of natural or soft-bottom watercourses.
Q3 can orchestrate studies in hydrology, geology, and hydraulics interlaced with recorded/observed historical evidence with the goal of establishing well-founded correlations based on the intersection of findings from multiple disciplines for the purpose of constraining the expected flood hazard with increased certainty to reduce setback requirements and/or magnitude and extent of required flood protection.
Q3 can assist with the selection and develop the basis of design for treatment control BMPs (e.g., infiltration trench or basin, retention, wet ponds, constructed wetlands, vegetated swales and buffer strips, bioretention).