Model Development and Simulation
Q3 is capable of configuring and simulating a variety of computer model applications (e.g., hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, reservoir operations) for project-specific conditions of varying complexity to contribute to the basis for decision making in planning, engineering design, and/or remedial actions.
Our Modeling Services
Q3 can model hydrologic conditions based on a lumped-parameter approach, which treats the area tributary to a defined outlet point as a single homogeneous unit; spatial variability is not considered, that is, hydrologic parameters are typically assigned average values over the tributary area. Lumped-parameter rainfall-runoff models have been and continue to be part of the hydrologic standard for regulators.
Q3 can model hydrologic conditions using a distributed-parameter rainfall-runoff scheme, which has the ability to account for spatial heterogeneity of precipitation and physical features within the watershed based on a grid/cell-based process where each cell has its own distinct hydrologic response and parameters for each cell are assigned average values over the area of the cell. A distributed-parameter scheme, despite appearing more comprehensive, does not necessarily guarantee better simulation outcomes as compared to an equivalent lumped-parameter scheme.
Some advantages of distributed models include the ability to (1) predict runoff at ungauged locations in the modeled watershed, (2) simulate water quality parameters, and (3) predict outcomes based on changes in conditions such as land use; these advantages among others have led to the increased popularity of distributed models among regulators.
Q3 can model 1-dimensional (1-D) hydraulics based on steady or unsteady flow directed along the alignment of a single channel-floodplain or a stream network, including the main stem and its tributaries; this type of model has its greatest utility in environments where the channel (or river) and its associated floodplain are well confined.
Q3 can model 1-dimensional sediment transport based on unsteady flow directed along the alignment of a single channel-floodplain or stream network, including a the main stem and its tributaries. Model development and simulation may include event-based and/or long-term continuous flow records, sensitivity analysis to support parameter development, and correlation or calibration/validation to attain a more meaningful basis for decision making.
Q3 can model 1-dimensional storm drain hydraulics based on steady or unsteady flow directed along a single alignment or network of alignments, including manholes, junctions, transitions, abrupt constrictions and expansions.
Q3 can model reservoir operations of one or more reservoirs, including routing reaches and diversions, based on various goals and constraints for the purpose of floodplain management, low flow augmentation for water supply, enhanced water conservation, reservoir regulation, and real-time decision support.
Q3 can model 2-dimensional (2-D) channel-floodplain hydraulics without the 1-D channel interface to provide a more seamless exchange between the channel and floodplain; while some computer models are better suited than others for this specific approach, most offer some degree of utility, which may be acceptable depending on the the goals and objectives of the project or study. Computer models, which allow for a variable-sized mesh or muliple-grid configuration will be able to better represent the geometry of the channel.
Q3 can model 2-dimensional (2-D) channel-floodplain sediment transport without a 1-D channel interface to provide a more seamless exchange between the channel and floodplain; while some computer models are better suited than others for this specific approach, most offer some degree of utility, which may be acceptable depending on the goals and objecives of the project or study. Sediment transport applied in a 2-D scheme has historically been considered more unreliable than its 1-D counterpart and is likely better suited for evaluations such as sediment budget analysis (e.g,, evaluation of debris control and/or collection).
Q3 can integrate 1- and 2-dimensional modeling schemes to take advantage of their strengths in representing the function of the channel (1-D) and floodplain (2-D). The critical aspect of this approach in any computer model, which supports this type of configuration is the ability of the channel-floodplain interface to reliably emulate the flow exchange.
Q3 can integrate 1- and 2-dimensional modeling schemes to take advantage of their strengths in representing the function of the channel (1-D) and floodplain (2-D). The critical aspect of this approach in any computer model, which supports this type of configuration is the ability of the channel-floodplain interface to reliably emulate the flow exchange.
Q3 can integrate 1- and 2-dimensional modeling schemes to take advantage of their strengths in representing the function of the storm drain system (1-D) and floodplain (2-D). The critical aspect of this approach in any computer model, which supports this type of configuration is the ability of the interfaces between the storm drain system and floodplain to reliably emulate the flow exchange.
Q3 can adjust a model to reproduce results that are historically consistent over time, using a combination of historical information, data, and other recorded observations; this process becomes far more complicated if the modeled environment has experienced significant changes in conditions over time. In the absence of adequate historical evidence, some degree of correlation can be performed and augmented using Monte Carlo simulation to assist in parameterization and measuring uncertainty to provide more meaningful results.