Home » Representative Projects » Murrieta Creek Hydrology Study
Murrieta Creek Hydrology Study
Riverside County, California
Q3 team members are preparing a detailed review of the US Army Corps of Engineers hydrology study prepared for the Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project on behalf of the local sponsor. The creek has a watershed area of over 200 square miles along the 7.1-mile project reach. Based on the results of the technical review, a revised hydrology analysis will be prepared for the Murrieta Creek to its confluence with the Santa Margarita River, and updates to the proposed Phase 3 detention basin will be prepared.
The team developed a detailed approach to model the complex watershed. Compiled historic information on stream and rain gauge data will be used to prepare a calibrated watershed model. Base models will be correlated at four stream gauges located within the watershed. The models will be correlated to know storm events at these locations based on the event-specific precipitation depths and storm patterns. The results of the analysis will be used to prepare updated “Without Project” rainfall-runoff models.
Once approved, the updated models will be used for revision the flood routing analysis in the project conditions and develop new recommendations for the Phase 3 detention basin improvements.
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
1995 Market Street
Riverside, California 9501
Q3 Key personnel:
John McCarthy - Project Manager
Howard Barndt - Hydrologist
Service AREAS:
- Large river hydrology study
- Stream gauge calibration
- Statistical analysis
- USACE feasibility study
- Alternative recommendations